- K. Chandrasekharan Nair
- Purushotham Manvi
- S. Srividya
Complete denture prosthodontics has been questioned for its relevance in the recent past. Dental health has improved beyond our imaginations and perhaps that might have built an over confidence to think that complete dentures can be dispensed with. Hence a palpable deterioration has taken place in taking particular interest in complete denture prosthodontics. Decrease in the number of patients requiring complete denture service is greatly compensated by the higher expectancy of life. In India, the average age of a patient requiring complete dentures and that too the third and the fourth dentures, is crossing seventy. The need for complete denture service has not yet reduced but the process has become more complicated. The present day dentist in fact do not relish making complete dentures because many of our techniques are old, time consuming and not user friendly. Patients have also started disliking the crude time consuming methods. While we started writing this book, these were the thoughts that came across and we have tried our best to simplify the clinical methods without limiting the desired quality envisaged by the founders of our profession. Allow us to take pride in claiming a better user friendliness of the clinical methods described in this book. We do not claim a space that is occupied by the standard text books which are followed by the Indian Universities. But while reading, you will be tempted to experiment with many of the techniques explained which are very easy to follow because of the user friendly materials. We invite your suggestions to modify the contents so that the next edition will be a better product. The authors are grateful to Professor Munirathnam Naidu who was kind enough to provide this book with a foreword. We sincerely thank the contributors who have added tremendously to the quality of this book. The authors sincerely urge the teachers, practising professionals and the students to give a kind and critical perusal of this book.
ISBN: 978-9380316253
Published Date: 2013
Page Count: 288 , File Size: 122 Mb
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