Oral Health Care in Systemic Diseases

Oral Health Care in Systemic Diseases

Author(s): Sirikarn Sutthavong Atik Sangasapaviriya Description: Oral health is known to be associated with general health. Much oral significance is closely related to systemic diseases. There are several categories of systemic patients for whom specific needs of dental care and…

Conservative Treatment of Pulp Tissue: Indications, Materials and Techniques

Conservative Treatment of Pulp Tissue: Indications, Materials and Techniques

Editor(s): Francine Benetti Faria Description: Dental pulp is a loose, vascularized connective tissue located within the walls of dentin. This tissue plays an important role in tooth longevity, whose functions are formative, sensitive, nourishing and defensive. Pulp exposure can be…

A Compendium of Principles and Practices of Laser Biophotonics in Oral Medicine

A Compendium of Principles and Practices of Laser Biophotonics in Oral Medicine

Author(s): FAKIR MOHAN DEBTA EKAGRATA MISHRA NEHA PATYAL Description: Photonics is a light-based optical technology that is considered as the leading technology for the new millennium. The science of light generation, manipulation, transmission, and measurement is known as photonics. The…

Scenario Based MCQ in Dentistry

Scenario Based MCQ in Dentistry

Editor(s): Mohammad Khursheed Alam Kiran Kumar Ganji Bader K. Alzarea Santosh Patil Description: Dentistry has constantly evolved over the years to keep abreast of the latest trends, techniques, and diagnostic procedures. Dental Schools have undergone a number of changes in…

SORT Programme: A Structured Orthodontic Resident’s Training Programme

SORT Programme: A Structured Orthodontic Resident’s Training Programme

Author(s): Amjad Mahmood Rozina Nazir Description: A structured training programme is presented here, which is intended for any four-year postgraduate degree/ diploma in Orthodontics. A total of VIII modules have been developed, each of six months duration and the whole…

Critical Thoughts on Oral Lichen Planus

Author(s): DANTE A. MIGLIARI SÍLVIO K. HIROTA Description: This well-illustrated publication deals with one of the most fascinating conditions in oral medicine: oral lichen planus (OLP). The importance of addressing this clinical subject is two-fold. First, OLP is among the…

Chronic Desquamative Gingivitis

Author(s): PRASAD V. DHADSE KIRAN R. SETHIYA CHITRIKA SUBHADARSANEE Description: This book offers an extensive and comprehensive description of individual dermatologic disease manifesting in the form of chronic desquamative gingivitis. A more specific description of the historical background of this…

Hydroxyapatite: Synthesis, Properties and Applications (Biomaterials, Properties, Production and Devices)

Editor(s): Valeri S. Gshalaev Aleksandra C. Demirchan Description: Hydroxyapatite is the most widely accepted biomaterial for the repair and reconstruction of bone tissue defects. It has all the characteristic features of biomaterials, such as, biocompatible, bioactive, osteoconductive, non-toxic, non- inflammatory…

Dental Considerations for Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)

Author(s): Hani H. Mawardi Description: Dental Considerations for Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ), First Edition provides a comprehensive review on MRONJ epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis. In addition, it discusses detailed, up-to-date management protocols for patients with this…

Textbook of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Editor(s): Sujith Ovallath Description: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a condition that can cause intense facial pain sometimes so severe it can interfere with the normal activities of daily living. Brief, painful episodes may be triggered by chewing, talking, smiling, brushing…

Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology

Editor(s): Mohammad Hosein Kalantar Motamedi Description: The book at hand is an international text on advanced oral and maxillofacial implantology. It is the fruition of over 40 specialists from 8 countries. The procedures presented herein are meant for expert implantologists;…

MCQs, SAQs, EMQs and OSCEs for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine: An Exam-Focused Approach

Author(s): S R Prabhu Description: MCQs, SAQs, EMQs and OSCEs for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine: An Exam-Focused Approach is designed to serve as a companion to the available textbooks in oral pathology and oral medicine and is meant to…

Clinical Reports in Dentistry

Editor(s): Lisa R. Amir Description: The book presents extensive case reports covering various clinical dentistry disciplines. In Oral Medicine, cases of various oral lesions and their risk factors were reported, as well as the precautions of radiotherapy for oral condition….

Bioactive Materials in Dentistry: Remineralization and Biomineralization

Editor: Francine Benetti Description: Bioactive materials, or biomaterials, have the ability to interact biologically with the tissue to which it is inserted, and to stimulate the deposition of mineralized tissue. The calcium phosphate-based ceramics were the first known materials in…

Implants in Contemporary Orthodontics

Editor: Devinder Preet Singh Description: As the glorious first century of organized orthodontics has passed and we have entered the next century, the sheer pace of technological advancement is phenomenal. If the history of all landmarks were to be drawn,…

A Window on Surgery and Orthodontics

Editor: Giuseppe Alessandro Scardina Description: This book offers comprehensive coverage of new techniques, important developments, and innovative ideas in all fields of clinical dentistry. Some topics discussed in this compilation include the biomechanical considerations of the extraction site in orthodontics;…

Pathophysiology of Oral Diseases

Authors: Anila NamboodiripadE. Anuradha Sunil Description: Teaching a large number of ever-inspiring students for the past few years was the motivation for the author to compile this book. This book would not have seen the light of the day if…

Periodontitis: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment Options

Authors: Wai Keung Leung Victor Goh Description: Periodontitis is a bacteria initiated inflammatory disease of the tooth supporting structures. In the susceptible patient, progressive alveolar bone destruction often leads to tooth loss, exerting debilitating effects on one’s overall quality of…

Computed Tomography: Advances in Research and Applications

Editor: Deborah Carter Description: This book provides new research on computed tomography. Chapter One presents strategies for computer-aided designing of surgical guides for dental implant procedures based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Chapter Two gives an in depth analysis…

Oral Health: Anesthetic Management, Social Determinants, Role of Nutrition and Impact on Quality of Life

Editor: Julia Renee Barnes Description: Biological, psychological, sociological and ecological features of life contribute and interact simultaneously in the development of an individual’s oral health. The chapters in this book review the effects of periodontal disease and its treatment on…