Category: Restorative & Operative

Dental Materials in Operative Dentistry (Quintessentials of Dental Practice)

Author :   Christina A Mitchell Description :      This book concisely outlines the clinical advantages and disadvantages as well as indications and contraindications of different materials. Topics include finishing and polishing restorations and the use of dental curing lights….

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 3rd Edition

Authors:  Stephen J. Stefanac Samuel P. Nesbit Description:   Develop your skills in evaluation and dental treatment planning for all types of patients Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 3rd Edition provides a full-color guide to creating treatment plans based…

Strategies in Dental Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

 Author: Robert B Morris This is a sequel to the acclaimed Principles in Dental Treatment Planning, dealing with dental restorations. The author has overhauled the text, making it completely up to date, and has also provided new illustrative material. He…

Tratment Planing in Dentistry, 2nd edition

Authors: Stephen Stefanac Samuel Nesbit Stephen Stefanac Samuel Nesbit Description: This book provides essential knowledge for creating treatment plans for adult dental patients. Treatment planning strategies are presented to help with balancing the ideal with the practical, with emphasis placed…