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Peter Ward Booth
Barry Eppley
Rainer Schmelzeisen
Filled with hundreds of superb, full-color photographs and step-by-step, illustrated procedures, Maxillofacial Trauma and Esthetic Facial Reconstruction, 2nd Edition, is your definitive source on all aspects of managing facial trauma. World-renowned authors Peter Ward Booth, Barry L. Eppley, and Rainer Schmelzeisen deliver today’s foremost guidance on everything from management of the acute trauma patient to the newest materials in surgical trauma to secondary procedures for improved facial appearance.
“Maxillofacial Trauma and Esthetic Facial Reconstruction is a comprehensive text dealing with a difficult area and where competing titles are plentiful. This book is refreshing and seems to add a new perspective in this genre with the combination of facial trauma management and reconstruction in the one hardback book. For this reason together with the sheer quantity and quality of the photos and illustrations – this book is highly recommended.”
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2420-2
Published Date: November 2011
Page Count: 623 , File Size: 26 Mb
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