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Harsh Mohan, Sugandha Mohan
The book “PATHOLOGY PRACTICAL BOOK for Dental Students” covers all the pathological aspects and it is expected to be useful for practising clinicians and other students of medicine such as those pursuing course in physiotherapy, pharmacy, nursing, laboratory technology and alternate systems of medicine. The book is organized in such a way that it aims to sharpen the practical and diagnostic skills in pathology in a user-friendly manner. The book is organised into 4 sections comprising of 25 exercises. Each section is having different practical exercises patterned on the format of practical class for students. The topics discussed are techniques in pathology, clinical pathology and basic cytopathology, haematology and histopathology. Section 1 describes on techniques of pathology. The basic cytopathologic techniques and their applications are discussed in Section 2. Section 3 describes the various aspects related to haematology such as haemoglobin estimation, screening tests for bleeding disorders. The fourth section discusses about histopathology of different tumours such as primary epithelial tumours—I, tumours—II, non-epithelial and metastatic tumours, atherosclerosis and vascular tumours, cysts and diseases of bones.
ISBN: 978-93-5025-495-0
Published Date: 2011
Page Count: 132 , File Size: 11 Mb
Dental-Library.Net (2019-2025)