Tag: Elsevier

Essentials of Dental Assisting, 6th Edition

Authors:  Debbie Robinson Doni Bird Description: Focusing on the core clinical skills and knowledge necessary to become a practicing dental assistant, Essentials of Dental Assisting, 6th Edition, is the perfect resource to help you succeed in this fast-paced program. Fully…

Mosby’s Textbook of Dental Nursing, 2nd Edition

Authors:  Mary Miller Crispian Scully Description:      Mosby’s Textbook of Dental Nursing is a brand new comprehensive learning resource which contains everything a dental nurse needs to know to perform safely and effectively in the clinical environment. Prepared by…

Review Questions and Answers for Dental Assisting, 2nd Edition (Mosby)

Editor:  Betty Ladley Finkbeiner Description:     Prepare to become a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) or pass your local and state exams with this best-selling, all-inclusive resource. This new edition features five times the practice of the CDA exam, with…

Mosby‘s Review Questions for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination

Author:  Barbara L. Bennett Description:   Offering the most realistic NBDHE review and practice available, Mosby’s Review Questions for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination includes both a print book and companion website to prepare you for exam success. In…

Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist, 6th edition

Authors: Olga Ibsen Joan Phelan Description: Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist is your source for the most trusted content in oral pathology. With more than 50 years of combined real-world experience, Olga Ibsen and Joan Phelan have created a…

Modern Dental Assisting, 10th Edition

Authors: DONI L. BIRD DEBBIE S. ROBINSON Description: Prepare for a successful career as a dental assistant! Modern Dental Assisting is the leading text in dental assisting — the most trusted, the most comprehensive, and the most current. Using an…

Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist, 1st Edition

Author:  Demetra Daskalos Logothetis Description:      Written by a dental hygienist for dental hygienists, Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist helps you learn the safe and effective administration of local anesthesia. Coverage is tailored to fit the role and…

Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, 6th edition

Author: Michele Leonardi Darby Description: Now in full color, Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene is an easy-to-use study aid for the national board exam. A full mock examination at the end of the book includes representative cases with answers…

Dental Materials: Foundations and Applications, 11th Edition

Authors:  John M. Powers John C. Wataha Description:   Get an in-depth understanding of the dental materials and tasks that dental professionals encounter every day with Dental Materials: Foundations and Applications, 11th Edition.  Trusted for nearly 40 years, Powers and Wataha’s…

Craig’s Restorative Dental Materials, 13th Edition

Authors: Ronald Sakaguchi ; John Powers Description: Master the use of dental materials in the clinic and dental laboratory and stay current with this ever-changing field with Craig’s Restorative Dental Materials, 13th Edition. From fundamental concepts to advanced skills, this…

Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation, 10th Edition

Authors:  John M. Powers John C. Wataha Description:      Focusing on the dental materials most commonly used, Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation, 10th Edition covers the tasks that dental assistants and dental hygienists typically perform. It shows the most…

Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials, 12th Edition

Authors:  Kenneth Anusavice Chiayi Shen H. Ralph Rawls Description:  Learn the most up-to-date information on materials used in the dental office and laboratory today. Emphasizing practical, clinical use, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials, this…

A Clinical Guide to Applied Dental Materials

Authors:  Stephen J. Bonsor Gavin Pearson Description:  A new textbook on the practical use of dental materials suitable for undergraduate dental students and qualified dental practitioners taking post-graduate exams in dental materials, restorative dentistry, operative techniques, advanced conservative dentistry, endodontics,…

Introduction to Dental Materials, 4th Edition

Author:   Richard Van Noort Description:      Now published with an accompanying on-line self-assessment module, the latest edition of this highly successful textbook presents the core information required for students of dental material science. Designed specifically for BDS exam and…

Emerging Nanotechnologies in Dentistry: Processes, Materials and Applications

Authors:  Karthikeyan Subramani Waqar Ahmed Description:  Comprehensive reference for the selection, fabrication and therapeutic use of nano-biomaterials and nanotechnologies for dental/oral biomedical science and implants, biomedical engineering and medical devices. New nanomaterials are leading to a range of emerging dental treatments that…

Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials, 2nd Edition

Author: Yoshiki Oshida Description: The second edition of Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials is an essential resource for anyone researching titanium in its fundamental aspects and in medical/dental applications. The book organizes and processes the findings from over 2,000…

Advanced Ceramics for Dentistry

Author:  James Zhijian Shen Tomaž Kosmacˇ Description:  Synthesizes fundamental science with current engineering of modern ceramic materials and ceramics processes to support applications in dentistry The growth of implant and fixed prosthodontics practices in dentistry has created a rapidly increasing…

Nanobiomaterials in Clinical Dentistry, 1st Edition

Author:   Karthikeyan Subramani Waqar Ahmed James K. Hartsfield Description:      New nanomaterials are leading to a range of emerging dental treatments that utilize more biomimetic materials that more closely duplicate natural tooth structure (or bone, in the case of…

Non-metallic Biomaterials for Tooth Repair and Replacement

Author:   Pekka Vallittu Description:      As the demand for healthy, attractive teeth increases, the methods and materials employed in restorative dentistry have become progressively more advanced. Non-metallic biomaterials for tooth repair and replacement focuses on the use of biomaterials…

Scully’s Medical Problems in Dentistry, 7th Edition

Author :   Crispian Scully Description :  This text offers an authoritative account of general medical and surgical conditions as they apply to the practice of dentistry and oral healthcare. Now established as the standard reference on the subject, Scully’s Medical Problems…