Paul E. Wakely Jr
Head and Neck Pathology concentrates on the salient H&E histopathology of each entity discussed with brief descriptors of the clinical features, differential diagnosis, and relevant literature references for each entity. The book features a bulleted format with H&E illustrations to match histopathologic criteria. Helpful ancillary tests, in particular, appropriate immunohistochemical panels are also summarized. Head and Neck Pathology provides a synopsis of all common head and neck entities as well as selected less common entities. Head and Neck Pathology covers non-neoplastic, benign and malignant neoplasms found in the oral cavity, oropharynx, sinonasal tract, hypopharynx and larynx, salivary glands, gnathic bones, ears, and the soft tissues. The book provides a handy summary and quick reference guide for pathology residents and will serve as a Ïportable refresher courseÓ or MOC review tool for the more experienced pathologist
- Presents the key entities and diagnoses that pathologists will see in practice
- Emphasis is on basic morphology with newer techniques represented where they are frequently used
- Includes Ïexpert tipsÓ from experienced diagnosticians
- Highly illustrated throughout
About the Demos Surgical Pathology Series
The Demos Surgical Pathology Guides series presents in summary and visual form the basic knowledge base that every practicing pathologist needs every working day. Series volumes will cover the major specialty areas of surgical pathology, and coverage emphasizes the key entities and diagnoses that pathologists will see in practice, and that they must know whether in training or practice. The emphasis will be on the basic morphology with newer techniques represented where they are frequently used. An additional feature will be "expert tips" from experienced diagnosticians. The series will provide a handy summary and quick reference that any pathology resident or fellow will find useful.
ISBN: 978-1-933864-84-6
e-Book ISBN: 978-1-61705-022-4
Published Date: 2012
Page Count: 207 , File Size 21 Mb
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