PRF in Facial Esthetics

Author(s): CATHERINE DAVIES RICHARD J. MIRON Description: Facial esthetics has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. As the field continues to evolve and patients demand more and more of practitioners, it is clear that both the beginner…

Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Dentistry

Author(s): Nicholas Longridge Pete Clarke Raheel Aftab Tariq Al Description: Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Dentistry features over 270 Single Best Answer questions. Written and peer-reviewed by clinicians working within each specialty and mapped to dental school curricula, this is…

Textbook of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, 2nd Edition

Editor(s): Dilip G Nayak Ashita Uppoor Description: The second edition Textbook of Periodontology and Oral Implantology brought out by Dr Dilip Nayak, Dr Ashita Uppoor, and Dr Mahesh CP is a step in this direction. The authors are committed academicians…

Guide to Periodontal Treatment Solutions for General Dentistry

Author(s): Tobias Boehm Sam Chui Description: Guide to Periodontal Treatment Solutions for General Dentistry by Tobias Boehm and Sam Chui is a concise textbook on periodontics geared towards dental students, residents, and early-career general dentists. Each chapter includes cases and…

Triumph’s Complete Review of Dentistry (2 Volume. set)

Author(s): K. Rajkumar R. Ramya Description: This preparatory manual is a single source reference for postgraduate exam preparation. Intense efforts have gone in preparation of the book to make it complete in all aspects. In-depth coverage of every subject in…

The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principles and Techniques, 3rd Edition

Editor(s): Foad Nahai Farzad R. Nahai Description: The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Principles and Techniques, Third Edition by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, five distinguished co-editors, and more than 100 new contributors is an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the…

Essentials of Preclinical Conservative Dentistry, 2nd Edition

Author(s): Harpreet Singh Description: This book comprehensively covers the course on Preclinical Conservative Dentistry as prescribed to second-year BDS students. It has been written with the main objective of training the students in the preclinical labs with perfection. The guidelines…

Dental Considerations for Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)

Author(s): Hani H. Mawardi Description: Dental Considerations for Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ), First Edition provides a comprehensive review on MRONJ epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis. In addition, it discusses detailed, up-to-date management protocols for patients with this…

Botulinum Neurotoxin for Head and Neck Disorders, 2nd Edition

Author(s): Andrew Blitzer Brian Benson Diana Kirke Description: Senior author Andrew Blitzer is an internationally renowned pioneer on the use of botulinum neurotoxin for functional disorders, with unparalleled expertise on this topic. Joined by esteemed co-editors Brian Benson and Diana…

Glass Ceramic Technology, 2nd Edition

Author(s): Wolfram Holand George H. Beall Description: Glass-ceramic materials share many properties with both glass and more traditional crystalline ceramics. This new edition examines the various types of glass-ceramic materials, the methods of their development, and their countless applications. With…

The Financial Survival Guide for Dentists

Author(s): Sam S. Shamardi Description: Dental school prepares students for the clinical aspects of dentistry, but not for the business of dentistry itself. As students and residents alike, we graduate with massive debt and must act as our own small…

The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Nutritional Care, 5th Edition

Author(s): Cynthia Stegeman Judi Davis Description: Learn how to apply nutritional principles to promote optimal patient care! The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Nutritional Care, 5th Edition explains how teaching proper nutrition can improve your clients’ oral and systemic health. Case…

Dental Public Health and Research: Contemporary Practice for the Dental Hygienist, 4th Edition

Designed for community dental/public health courses, Dental Public Health and Research also serves as an ideal resource for board exam preparation or for dental hygiene practitioners. Author(s): Christine Nielsen Nathe Description: Dental Public Health and Research explores the ever-changing world…

Surgery of the Salivary Glands ( PDF & Videos)

Author(s): Robert Witt Description: Offering unparalleled coverage of this key area, Surgery of the Salivary Glands provides an in-depth, authoritative review of salivary gland disease and treatment. International experts from otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and many…

Atlas of Facial Implants, 2nd Edition (PDF & Videos)

Author(s): Michael J. Yaremchuk Description: Over the past decade, tremendous innovations in technology, clinical applications, and implant design have transformed the field of facial implant surgery, leading to improved outcomes and greater patient satisfaction. The highly anticipated 2nd Edition of…

Nutrition in Clinical Dentistry, 3rd Edition

Nutrition in Clinical Dentistry, 3rd Edition

Author(s): ABRAHAM E. NIZEL ATHENA S. PAPAS Description: In this third edition of “Nutrition in Clinical Dentistry,” we have continued the format of the previous editions of “Nutrition in Clinical Dentistry” and “Nutrition in Preventive Dentistry: Science and Practice.” Essentially,…

Oral Cancer: Evaluation, Therapy, and Rehabilitation (PDF & Videos)

A state-of-the-art guide on oral cancer management from distinguished experts! Author(s): Carole Fakhry Karen T. Pitman Ana P. Kiess David W. Eisele Description: Oral Cancer: Evaluation, Therapy, and Rehabilitation edited by prominent Johns Hopkins clinicians and educators Carole Fakhry, Karen…

Encyclopedia of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume I

Editor(s): Dave Clark Description: This book presents a broad variety of diseases and injuries of the skull, neckline, face and mouth cavity. It is a globally acknowledged surgical department swiftly changing with developing advancements in technology. Experts of this field…

Botulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation, 2nd edition

Author(s): Kate Coleman Description: Now thoroughly revised to reflect state-of-the-art advances in the field, Botulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation, 2nd Edition, covers the entire range of the use of botulinum toxin for cosmetic purposes. Dr. Kate Coleman offers practical guidance…

Textbook of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Editor(s): Sujith Ovallath Description: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a condition that can cause intense facial pain sometimes so severe it can interfere with the normal activities of daily living. Brief, painful episodes may be triggered by chewing, talking, smiling, brushing…